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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Now Over To Our Expert On…:

A strange thing happened when a group of corporate bigwigs walked into the TV studio the other day. They suddenly lost interest in their chosen subject. They’d booked, and paid for, a day which gave the opportunity to delve into their company’s image and the way it’s reported in the media. And they’re high profile – let’s just say that when any journalist wants headline-grabbing material about their sector, this company is the one that springs to mind first. So the big doors are pushed back, they’re warned about the heavy cables snaking around their feet, the lights dazzle them, and there in the middle is a newsreader’s desk they see on telly every night. That was it – forget the corporate message. Let’s do Newsnight. An hour later we’d covered Big Brother’s cancelled sponsorship, tourism in Northern Ireland, an English Parliament, and Cash for Peerages. Thank heavens I had Paxman’s killer standby question up my sleeve: “..yeeees. How can you sit there and say that?”


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