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Monday, February 12, 2007

Candid Cameron

Well he's not been entirely candid, but David Cameron has proved that he's more of a master of the media than his doppleganger, the only slight more right wing T Blair Esq. He decided his strategy well in advance for handling accusations of a fly puff on the exotic cheroot behind the bike sheds (do they have bikes at Eton?). And he stuck to it. It wasn't a denial - it was a principled stand on the right for privacy over any mistakes made years before someone decides to become a politician. Then, when the inevitable slow news day comes along and a Sunday paper with a blank front page decides to expose him, he swings into appropriate action. Brief appearance in front of the cameras, cheerful and relaxed approach, non commital statement so everyone gets a quote, and that's it. He follows the rules: make an appearance, make a statement, be consistent, keep it brief. But did anyone notice that the BBC news pictures were curiously soft-focus? Surely he didn't go that far!


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