Media Mentor offers highly effective media training in TV and radio studios throughout the UK . Our media training courses give everyone who deals with the press the confidence to handle enquiries and interviews positively.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Us and Them? Don't You Believe It!

It's often assumed that journalists and broadcast news organisations view people who've been media trained with suspicion. Why should people learn the tricks of the trade, and find ways to avoid answering difficult questions? There's a very good answer - why should people who find themselves under the spotlight be unfairly hampered by nerves, and an unfamiliarity with the way the media operate? Doesn't the public deserve that the issues that affect them are reported on a reasonably level playing field? And in fact the media agree too. We were musing over the fact that most of our media training would not be possible, if it were not for the willingness of the BBC to make their studios available to our clients, so that they can try for themselves the gut-wrenching experience of taking part in live programmes in real BBC studios. And in London, ITV's Millbank Studios in Westminster welcome our clients. Move over Prime Minister, time to let others learn the secrets of successful spin!

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Blogger tracksionmotor said...

BBC has a bad reputation in international broadcast in many areas of the industry, especially music. Why would Radio Caroline had become so popular? 'Us and Them' was a Pink Ffloyd subject. In the words of 'X-Files' no-one. HF broadcasting forever!

4:47 PM


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